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West Nile Innovator - 10 Dose

West Nile Innovator - 10 Dose
West Nile Innovator - Zoetis - Sale Price $259.57 per 10 dose vial
Item #: A0004
Price $259.57

West Nile Innovator (Zoetis) 10 Dose Vial America’s first choice for proven protection.The original West Nile virus vaccine, proven in the face of an epidemic.

Proven safe with more than 20.5 million doses administered. Shown to be 94 percent effective against West Nile virus in a one-year challenge study. Whole virus technology stimulates a complete, natural immune response

Also available in single dose with syringe and needle. Inject one 1ml dose intramuscularly using asceptic technique. Administer a second 1ml dose in 3-4 weeks after the first dose. Revaccinate annually with one 1 ml dose.

  • Vaccine shipments are only shipped on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in a thick walled styrafoam container with large  ice packs

  • 10 dose vial
  • expiration date 10-04-25

Horse Warehouse

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26 North Shore Drive
Lake Ozark, MO 65049
